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What Is Another Word For Less Dense: Synonyms Explained

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What Is Another Word For Less Dense: Synonyms Explained

Mass, Volume, Density Song

Keywords searched by users: What is another word for less dense less dense meaning, less dense than water, more dense, opposite of dense, less dense air, Impenetrable synonym, Den synonym, Very simple synonym

What Is A Word For Less Dense?

“What term can be used to describe something that is less densely packed? In mathematics, the concept of ‘sparse’ is employed as the counterpart to ‘dense.’ When discussing mathematical structures, ‘sparse’ refers to a state where elements or data points are relatively scattered or thinly distributed. This distinction helps mathematicians and scientists characterize the degree of compactness or concentration within various mathematical contexts.”

What Are 4 Synonyms For Dense?

What are four synonyms for the word “dense”? When we refer to density, we are describing the degree of compactness or how closely packed something is. Here are four synonyms for dense that convey this idea: crowded, thick, packed, and tight. These words all signify a high concentration or a lack of space between elements. Additional synonyms for density include compact, close, serried, and jammed, further emphasizing the idea of things being closely and tightly arranged. These synonyms help us articulate various situations where density plays a crucial role in describing the state of objects or spaces.

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Asthenosphere | Definition, Density & Temperature - Video & Lesson  Transcript | Study.Com
Asthenosphere | Definition, Density & Temperature – Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.Com

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Mass, Volume, Density Song
Mass, Volume, Density Song

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